
Water Yoga

My favorite color of water is generally the beautiful blue of the Carribean (pms 304c), or the deep blue of an offshore dive in Hawaii (pms 308c), but there are times when the algae-filled, puke green waters of Mud Lake (part of Utah Lake—398c) can't be beat. Warm, flat water perfect for cultivating sludge, and even better for riding a board. Here I am pictured doing some yoga moves on the wakeskate. So far no one else seems to be able to top me in my skills. It is very difficult afterall to get to a sitting position from a standing one, and then swing the leg out and up and hold it there. Without the help of knees to absorb the shock of bumps even the tiniest wave can through a practiced yogi to the wind. (Don't ask your yoga master how to achieve anything from this pose as they may not recognize the pose at all.)

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