At this age, 14 months, he is very insistent about feeding himself.
This is his favorite jacket that he asks ("uhh, uuhh") me to put on him whenever he spies it. Today, after wearing it during a very messy dinnertime, I took the jacket off of him to put it in the wash. Jack was irate, pointing to the jacket and screaming and crying, hoping I'd return his beloved possession.
We had fun sculpting with Play-doh the other day. Mavis had the clever idea of pressing her plastic princess ring and other found objects into the clay to make fanciful impressions. I made a river of clay, with floating flowers and a large shoreline bloom.
Don't let the title of the post mislead you. Easter was as pleasant a day as could be, with the bluest of blue skies and perfect temperatures. Blue is a calming color, and the brilliant sky helped invoke the peacefulness that the Resurrection and Atonement of Christ bring to our lives.
Following is a whole slew of photos from the day.
Hunting for eggs and baskets from the Easter Bunny.
Laughter is the best medicine, right? We've certainly all heard it before, and I'm also certain we all agree. In fact I heard about a group in California years back that would gather just to laugh. And today I heard about it again. What fun! Check it out here.