
Foodie Training

Relatively speaking, Mavis is a great eater. She eats all kinds of things that other kids wouldn't touch. I like to flatter myself that it's because I've taught her well, although it's very likely that her palate naturally tolerates a broader range of flavors than that of most other kids. There are, however, times when I just cannot get her to eat what I'm serving. On one such occasion she hoped I wouldn't notice the two bowls she'd stacked to form a little hiding place for some undesirables.

Although she wouldn't eat her green beens and cukes that day (strange too because cukes are one of her all-time favorite foods) I did convince her to partake of this delicious goulash I invented.


RAQ said...

She is very clever and you are very lucky she eats so well most of the time!!!

sienna said...

that food looks great. i think you've trained her well.