
Portrait of Mavis

I painted this portrait of Mavis just a few weeks before baby Jack was born. I'd been wanting to have a portrait of Mavis done for a while but had kept putting it off. Oddly, I suddenly got excited about it. It must have been the right time to do it because it just flowed from my hand almost as easily as writing my name. This was somewhat miraculous to me as I have not enjoyed drawing faces or painting like this for a long time, and have not felt I did it very well in the past, but this portrait was super fun and turned out very well. Vivid colors and patterns represent to me Mavis's vivid, intense personality, and her intelligence. Her eyes also belie intensity despite her reclined pose. The dominant colors are pms 360 & 374 (greens), 114 (yellow), 198 (red), 325 (aqua blue), and 701 (pink).

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